For someone who spends an inordinate about of time writing, thinking about writing, and arguing with fictional people from said writing, I must admit I'm having an unreasonably difficult time figuring out where to begin.
Writing, most of the time, is a beautifully solitary endeavor. Few things make my introverted self as content as being shut away from the world with books upon books, both to read and to write. Taking the next step and sharing my writing with the world? That's where things get a little scary. But becoming a Legitimate Real Life Author of Books has been a lifelong dream of mine, so I'm taking the plunge and inviting you into of the dark little corners of my creative mind.
So... welcome.
I've been writing stories for as long as I can remember, first in crayon on stapled-together bunches of printer paper, then later in notebook after notebook after notebook, and inevitably, of course, in good 'ol Word documents, some of which I still have after (oh god) fifteen-plus years. For most of that time, sharing my writing with anyone beyond a few trusted friends (many of them cats) and extremely patient teachers was terrifying, and I shut myself out of the path to becoming the author I've always dreamed I could be.
It's hard to say what exactly changed, what gave me the courage (audacity?) to put myself out there and start shoving my writing down the throats of anyone who would take it. I started entering writing contests. I found a surprising happy place in microfiction. I sent out (literally) three dozen query letters en route to finding my wonderful publisher to whom I'm so grateful for making Fireflies and Zeroes a reality. And I made friends who also write, and who make me even more excited about writing!
This feels like the beginning of an adventure, one that I have no idea where it will lead. So much of my life has been structured on a predictable trajectory: high school to college to grad school to... presumably a future job that actually uses some of those degrees, but here I am, daring to try to break with tradition.
I hope it works.
But even if it doesn't, I know I won't regret trying.
I write because there are stories in my head desperate to be told, stories I'd love to read that haven't been written yet. Stories about finding one's self. Stories about finding one's people. Stories about hometowns that unite and divide. Stories about pain, both emotional and physical. But most of all? Stories infused with loud, angsty, life-changing music that I can only hope echoes through your heart the way it does mine.
So, I'll leave you with this, as I'm still figuring out what to say about my writing. My genre is, and will forever be, pop-punk. Maybe one day I'll be deemed a visionary for bringing emo vibes to the printed page, but most likely my writing will be shrugged at and forgotten by all but a select few.
Care to join that collection of misfits? Welcome. I'm utterly terrified, but so, so glad you're here.
Can’t wait to read more! Thanks for sharing with us ❤️